A sales letter is only one of many factors in the sale of a product or service. A need must exist, or be imagined; the customer's interest must be aroused and a choice must be made among competing salespersons and products. A sales letter probably won't accomplish all these things, but it can persuade the reader that he or she will be helped by buying the product or service.
Sales letters may be personal letters or duplicated letters (circulars) distributed to a large number of private individuals and firms. Many sales letters are prepared in series of two, three or more letters (sales series).
 Sales letters often take advantage of visual aids. These include such devices as CAPITAL LETTERS, "quotation marks", underlined words, dashes --, dots ..., short paragraphs, phrases punctuated as sentences, indented paragraphs, exclamation points, and postscripts.
The purpose is to hold the attention of the reader, who, thus becomes eager to read on to find out what is interesting enough to deserve this special presentation.

There are some things that a writer of a sales letter has to bear in mind: The reader will want to know why he or she should buy; not what the product or service can do, but what it will do for the reader. This statement can be strengthened by a guarantee. Present a testimonial from a well-known person; offer a free trial period or a money-back guarantee. Let the reader know you are interested in his or her welfare.

This is what a writer of a sales letter should do:

1. Use an effective attention-getting opening.

  •  I wonder if you have ever had an experience like this one
  •  This may be your last chance to...
  •  You probably get a lot of mail like this - and it goes in the bin, but don't be too hasty!

2. Develop a central selling point. Be vivid and specific in talking up the product.

  • Our business is built on referrals, which is why customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee, and we can personalize a schedule and maintenance program to fit your individual needs.
  • While there's no replacement for direct sales calls, they are expensive and time-consuming. We can supplement your sales effort by bringing your message to each and every one of your customers and potential customers every month. 
  • We have more than 30 years of experience choosing venues, working with decorators, setting up meeting space, producing brochures, arranging group activities such as golf tournaments and excursions, planning banquets and making sure every last detail is taken care of. In fact, we currently manage more than 100 conferences in various industries. 
  • In addition to our many other services, we can design, create and maintain a Web site for your company. With a reputation for unsurpassed technical support, we can make sure everyone at your company is as comfortable surfing the Internet as they are surfing channels on cable TV.

3. Present proofs of your statements.

  • As the industry leader for 15 years, we stand behind our products with a lifetime warranty. We also have exceptional technical support available on-line and via phone or fax.
  • We have an outstanding reputation moving companies for more than 20 years. We are fully insured and licensed, and we're open 7 days a week. When you're 100 percent satisfied, we pay our movers a bonus, an added incentive to make sure the job is done right.
  • We are so confident that you'll be satisfied with our work, we stand behind our products with a 100 percent money-back guarantee.

4. Close by moving the reader to specific action.

  • If you have any questions, please give me a call. If I don't hear from you, I'll call you Tuesday. Again, thanks for your time.
  • I'll give you a call next week to elaborate on our products and services. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to a rewarding business partnership.
  • I'll give you a call next week to discuss future business opportunities. In the meantime, please feel free to call me if you need any additional information.




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 Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):
sales letter - reklamno / prodajno pismo
sale - prodaja
product - proizvod
service - usluga
salesperson - prodavac
duplicated letter - cirkularno pismo
circular - cirkularno pismo
visual aid - vizuelna pomoć
device - sredstvo
quotation marks - znaci navoda
dash - crta
dot - tačka
guarantee - garancija
testimonial - uverenje, pismena preporuka
trial period - probni period
welfare - dobrobit
schedule - raspored
maintenance - održavanje
venue - mesto događaja
proof - dokaz
lifetime warranty - doživotna garancija
incentive - podstrek, stimulacija
arouse interest - pobuditi interesovanje
make choice - izabrati
accomplish - postići
persuade - ubediti, uveriti, nagovoriti
distribute - razdeliti, raspodeliti
take advantage of - koristiti
hold attention - držati pažnju
bear in mind - imati na umu
strengthen - pojačan, ojačan
develop - razviti, izgraditi
talk up - promovisati
fit somebody's needs - odgovarati nečijim potrebama
supplement - dopuniti, nadograditi
maintain - održavati
hesitate - oklevati
 Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
 Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
among - među
eager to - voljan da
attention-getting - koji privlači pažnju
hasty - koji je u žurbi
vivid - jasan, snažan, živ
on referral - po preporuci
time-consuming - koji troši vreme
various - različit
in addition to - pored, osim
unsurpassed - nenadmašan, neprevaziđen
exceptional - izuzetan
outstanding - izvanredan
insured - osiguran
licensed - ovlašćen, koji ima dozvolu



 Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):
sale – selling, marketing, dealing, trading
product – goods, produce, production, creation, merchandise
service – facility, system, resource
salesperson – sales rep, sales representative
device – gadget, machine, tool, instrument, appliance, utensil, widget
guarantee – warranty, contract, bond, guaranty
testimonial - reference, recommendation, credential
trial period - test period, probation
welfare – well-being, good, interest, security, benefit, success, profit
schedule – plan, programme, agenda, calendar, timetable
maintenance – upkeep, keeping, care
venue - locale, locus
proof –evidence, testimony, confirmation, verification, certification, authentication 
incentive - motive, encouragement, motivation, stimulant
make choice – choose
accomplish – realize, produce, effect, finish, complete, manage, achieve, perform
persuade - urge, convince, assure
distribute - hand out, deliver, give out, share 
take advantage of – use
hold attention - keep attention
bear in mind - keep in mind
strengthen - reinforce, support, confirm, establish
develop - form, start, develop
talk up – speak in favor of; promote
supplement - add to, reinforce, complement
maintain – support, look after, keep
hesitate – shrink from, think twice, boggle, scruple, demur
 Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
 Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
among – between, amidst
eager to - keen, enthusiastic, passionate
attention-getting - eye-catching, catchy
hasty -speedy, fast, quick, prompt, rapid
vivid - clear, detailed, realistic
various – different, distinct
in addition to - over and above; besides.
unsurpassed - supreme, exceptional, incomparable
exceptional – remarkable, special, excellent, extraordinary, outstanding
outstanding – excellent, brilliant, impressive, distinguished
licensed - permitted, allowed, sanctioned, authorized



Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

service - damage

salesperson - buyer, client, customer, shopper, user

guarantee - breach, disagreement

testimonial - disapproval, concealment

welfare - dissatisfactory, loss, misery

schedule - disorganisation

maintenance - negligence

incentive - discouragement

make choice - ignore, refuse, reject

accomplish - forfeit, fail

persuade - discourage, hinder

distribute - withhold, maintain

take advantage of - overlook, forget

hold attention - ignore, reject

bear in mind - disregard, abandon

strengthen - discourage, neglect, weaken

develop - ignore, neglect

talk up - ignore, withhold

supplement - reduce, take away

maintain - abandon, destroy, give up, neglect

hesitate - persist

 Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
 Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

among - away from, separate

eager to - unenthusiastic, unconcerned, apathetic

hasty - leisurely, cautious, careful

vivid - boring, gloomy, insignificant, murky

time-consuming - active, exciting, lively

various - alike, similar, resembling

in addition to -apart, separate

unsurpassed -inferior, poor

exceptional - common, inconsiderable, inferior, unexceptional

outstanding - insignificant, unexceptional, unnoticeable

insured - insecure

licensed - unauthorised

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  • Sales Letter 1
  • Sales Letter 2
  • Sales Letter 3
  • Sales Letter 4
  • Sales Letter 5
  • Sales Letter 6
  • Sales Letter 7