Rečenice koje počinju sa ’’Oni kažu’’ ili ’’Ljudi kažu’’ se često prebacuju u pasivni oblik.
aktiv: They say (or people say) that he is very talented.
Oni kažu (ili ljudi kažu) da je on veoma talentovan.
pasiv: 1. It is said that he is very talented.
Priča se da je on veoma talentovan.
2. He is said to be very talented.
Za njega se priča da je veoma talentovan.
aktiv: People say that he was a good writer.
Ljudi kažu da je on bio dobar pisac.
pasiv: 1. It is said that he was a good writer.
Priča se da je on bio dobar pisac.
2. He is said to have been a good writer.
Za njega se priča da je bio dobar pisac.
U ovakvu konstrukciju mogu ulaziti i sledeći glagoli: think, feel, expect, know, believe, understand, consider, find, report, suppose...
· They believe that he is hiding somewhere in the woods. (Ljudi veruju da se on krije negde u šumi.)
He is believed to be hiding somewhere in the woods.
It is believed that he is hiding somewhere in the woods.
(Veruje se da se on krije negde u šumi.)
· People think that she has committed the murder. (Ljudi veruju da je ona izvršila ubistvo.)
She is thought to have committed the murder.
It is thought that she has committed the murder.
(Misli se da je ona počinila ubistvo.)
· Everybody knows that he is responsible for our success. (Svi znaju da je on odgovoran za naš uspeh.)
He is known to be responsible for our success.
It is known that he is responsible for our success.
(Zna se da je on odgovoran za naš uspeh.)