Photos - the only people who need to include these are models, actors, actresses and possibly air cabin crew. It is sometimes specified in the advertisement that the photo is needed. If so, you should include it.
Any sort of failure - exams, marriages, businesses, etc.
Reasons for leaving each job.
Salary information - this can only be used to reject your application. If an advertisement specifically requests this information you can always include the information in your cover letter.
Fancy patterns/borders - these detract from your presentation
Do not include a list of publications if you are a scientist, unless they are asked for.
Leave out age (put in date of birth instead), weight, height, health, or any other personal information that is irrelevant to your application.
Do not use poor quality photocopies of your CV - they make it look as though you are sending off your CV to lots of companies and that you may not be too bothered who you work for