Hi, my name is Roberto. This is my brother Luca. He's five years old and I am seven. I love him very much. Luca can ride a small bicycle but he can't drive a car, hahaha...He can draw animals and cars and he can swim! Yes, that is great! He can understand English but he can't understand Italian (our father is Italian). He is only five and he can dance with his mother! Our mother is a great dancer and a great cook! She can cook everything and she can sing very nice but she can't drive a car and she can't play the piano but our father can. He can speak six languages and he can use a computer, he is a pilot, but he can't dance! I can play football and speak two languages but I can't sometimes understand my mother! But, I am a kid and that is normal!
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
animal – životinja dancer – plesačica cook – kuvar language – jezik a pilot – pilot kid – dete, klinac |
ride – voziti;jahati drive – voziti draw – crtati understand – razumeti dance – plesati sing – pevati play the piano – svirati klavir speak – govoriti use – koristiti look – pogledati |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
small - mali great – divno only – samo normal – normalno intelligent – inteligentan |
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