Ten is the year of careless days. The only thing you are worried about is how to spend as much time as possible playing with friends. Still, you are afraid of your parents and how they could stop your play by calling you to come inside for a lunch or something. So, that's when you start lying seriously about things that parents wouldn’t understand. Later these small lies become more intelligent.

This is also the time when most children think they know what they want to be when they grow up. They are more certain about it then later in their life.

What's interesting is that this is the age when the wish for gaining your friends' respect becomes stronger - you define your role as somebody or nobody, respected or not respected.

You start showing your interests. You keep asking other people questions – you are curious.

When you're twenty, you start asking yourself questions: Who am I? What's the meaning of life? Then you get nervous because you cannot answer them. This is the most confusing period in one's life. Future seems blurred and it makes you even more nervous. That's when you desperately start looking for answers. You try with different beliefs, different religions, horoscopes, anything that could foretell the future.


You're open for new things and you are rather naive because you haven't had any major disappointments yet. As a consequence, you are easily led and often land in trouble. One moment you feel on the top of the world and the next you’re at the bottom. One day you're a king, the next day – nothing but a fool.

You've already had your first love and you try to persuade yourself it was childish and that you need something more serious. You start thinking about your own family.

For an optimist thirty is one of the happiest ages, for pessimists it marks the end of feeling young. At this age you have to be more careful about what and how much you eat. Your sight often becomes weaker, you hair also. Most people are either married or seriously think about marriage. Those who are not married remember their previous loves and wish they could happen again. Serious thinking about family makes people more responsible and more hard-working. Although this is the top age for making a career, many suffer their great disappointments with their jobs – everything is less beautiful than they expected to be. Nothing is as interesting as they imagined. They feel betrayed and thus less motivated.

Forty is the year of middle-aged, although nobody who is forty wants to admit the fact. This is the age when you know where you stand, and due to that, you are calmer. Although scientists say that your body starts to get smaller when you are thirty, it is said that most forty-year-old men are better looking than ever. On the other hand, women are more worried about wrinkles and grey hair. They are afraid of being less attractive for men.

Most people prepare themselves for the less productive working phase that comes after, and try to earn as much money as possible. Although they are not as motivated as thirty-year-old people, they are still very successful in what they do.


Fifty is the age when people dream about their youth and remember the world they don't belong to any more. Some feel this is the last moment for falling in love. While staying young is the aim of some people, others start seriously thinking about illnesses. They also often speak about retirement but most don't consider it a nice thing, for that usually means "death" of an active life. The bravest people start serious political careers. This should be natural, for this should be the wisest period of one's life.

This is often a period when people search for their origins and make family trees. Bonds with old friends become stronger.

George Orwell said, "At fifty everyone has the face he deserves."


The best conclusion might be a graffiti that says:

At the beginning you don't know a thing, in the end you still don't know a thing but you have lots of experience.


Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):
age- doba
wish- želja
gaining- dobijanje, zadobijanje, sticanje
respect- poštovanje
role- uloga
interest- interesovanje
meaning- smisao, značenje
belief- verovanje
disappointment- razočaranje
consequence- posledica
top- vrh
bottom- dno
fool- budala
sight- vid
career- karijera
wrinkle- bora
phase- faza
aim- cilj
illness- bolest
retirement- penzionisanje, povlačenje
bound- veza
origin- poreklo
conclusion- zaključak
beginning- početak
experience- iskustvo
understand- razumeti
grow up- odrasti
foretell- predskazati, proreći
land in trouble- upasti u nepriliku
persuade- ubediti
mark- označiti
remember- setiti se
explain- objasniti
suffer- pretrpeti
hope-nadati se
admit- priznati
prepare- pripremiti se
belong- pripadati
fall in love with- zaljubiti se u
consider- smatrati
mean- značiti
deserve- zaslužiti
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi): 
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
average- prosečan
careless- bezbrižan
afraid of- uplašen od
seriously- ozbiljno
serious- ozbiljan
certain- siguran
respected- poštovan
curious- radoznao
confusing- zbunjujući
blurred- mutan, nejasan, zamagljen
desperately- očajnički
naive- naivan
major- veliki, važan
easily led- povodljiv
childish- detinjasto
weak- slab
mature- zreo
responsible- odgovoran
hard working- vredan, radan
betrayed- izneveren
calm- miran
grey- sed, siv
middle-aged- sredovečan
attractive- privlačan
productive- produktivan
successful- uspešan
brave- hrabar
wise- mudar
still- ipak
inside- unutra
due to- zahvaljujući
although- iako





Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

age – years, lifetime
wish – desire
gaining – increase, growth
respect – honour
role – part
interest – attention, curiosity  
meaning – purpose
belief – principles, ideology
disappointment – dissatisfaction
consequence – outcome, result 
top – high point   
sight – vision
career – progress, path
wrinkle – crinkle
phase – stage
aim – intention
illness – sickness
retirement – stopping work
bound – connection   
origin – descent
conclusion – result
beginning – start
experience – knowledge

understand – realise, see
grow up – become adult
foretell – predict
persuade – convince
mark – indicate
remember – recall
explain – make clear, demonstrate
suffer – experience, undergo 
hope – expect
admit – confess
prepare – make, arrange
consider – think


Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi): 
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

average – ordinary, moderate   
careless – carefree
worried – concerned
afraid of – scared, frightened
serious – important
certain – sure, convinced, positive  
respected – reputable    
curious – inquisitive, interested, questioning
confusing – unclear, puzzling
blurred – unclear
desperately – badly   
naive – innocent
major – significant   
childish – immature, silly
weak – poor
mature – grown – up, adult
responsible – in charge
hard working – industrious
calm – cool, relaxed
attractive – beautiful
productive – creative
successful – productive, prosperous
brave – bold   
wise – sensible   
strong – powerful


inside – inward
although – though





Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

age- childhood, youth
wish- dislike, hate,
gaining- failing, destroying
respect- disrespect, ignorance
role- ignorance
interest- dislike, ignorance
belief- disbelief, distrust
disappointment- achievement, triumph
consequence- cause, origin
top- bottom
bottom- top
fool- genius
sight- blindness
career- entertainment
wrinkle- smoothness
aim- aimlessness
illness- health
conclusion- beginning, start
beginning- ending, finish
experience- inexperience, ignorance

understand- misunderstand, disbelieve
grow up- stop
foretell- guess
persuade- discourage, prevent
mark- hide
remember- forget, misunderstand
explain- misunderstand, question
suffer- let go, keep
hope-disbelieve, doubt
admit- decline, deny
prepare- neglect, ignore
fall in love with- dislike, hate, disgust
consider- disbelieve, ignore
deserve- fail, lose, miss


Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi): 
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

average- unusual, uncommon, atypical
careless- careful, responsible
worried-calm, relaxed, uncaring
afraid of- brave, bold
seriously- funnily
serious- funny
certain- unsure, doubtful
respected- dishonoured, despised, disrespected
curious- incurious, disinterested
confusing- plain, simple
blurred- clean, clear
desperately- confidently, hopefully
rather- extremely, little
naive- experienced, intelligent
major- minor, small, unimportant
easily led- hard, rigid, inflexible
childish- adult, experienced, wise
weak- strong, bold, brave
mature- immature, inexperienced
responsible- irresponsible, immature, untrustworthy
hard working- lazy, dull
betrayed- loyal, faithful
motivated- discouraged, unstimulating
calm- nervous, angry, mad
middle-aged- young
attractive- ugly, disgusting, repulsive
productive- inactive, unproductive, useless
successful- unprofitable, unsuccessful
brave- shy, afraid
wise- unwise, careless, foolish, idiotic
strong- weak, fragile, vulnerable

inside- outside

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