If you look up for the definition of this term in a dictionary, you would come across something similar to: the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.
The fact is that the Web is changing every aspect of our lives, but no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate. Today, large and small companies are using the Web to communicate with their partners, transform their order processing systems and transact commerce. That is e-business - where the strength and reliability of traditional information technology meet the Internet.
E-business is not about re-inventing your business. It is about streamlining your current business processes to improve operating efficiencies, which in turn will strengthen the value you provide to your customers and it will give you a serious advantage over the competition. Our advice is to start by improving your customer interactions and internal processes. To achieve this, you should look at the individual processes such as customer relationship management and e-commerce.
The concept of customer self-service is central to e-business. E-business can personalize its offerings and anticipate customer wants and needs. Self-service means providing customers with secure web-browser access to automated order systems. These systems give customers controlled access to the data they need.
E-commerce has attracted enormous attention. The ability to offer goods and services over the Web has already had a remarkable impact. Last year, for instance, over $750 million in airline tickets were sold over the Web. By using e-commerce solutions, companies can present their goods more effectively, take orders and invoice online, automate customer account enquiries and handle transactions electronically. In this way, the customers receive the faster, more responsible service they demand.
The year of doing e-commerce was set in 1998; the next year venture investing in Europe was around $13 billion, 65% higher than the amount invested in a year earlier. Prospects of doing business this way have been promising and it has been so easy to establish your own on-line presence and hundreds of new "dot.com" businesses were born each day.
Although Internet seems to be "a safe place to do business", it is not without risk. Recently, there has been an avalanche of fake requests for information on the Internet’s most prominent sites. As a result, they have been paralyzed by a series of "denial-of-service" attacks which overwhelm even the most powerful network computers. Some experts now fear that such digital assaults could deal a lasting blow to e-commerce. The web’s openness facilitates electronic assaults, but one should not forget that the same openness created e-commerce in the first place.
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
order processing system - sistem slanja narudžbina commerce - trgovina reliability - pouzdanost self-service - samo-usluga account - račun enquiry - zahtev, upit dot.com businesses - firme na Internetu avalanche - lavina "denial-of-service" attack - napad odbijanja da se nešto uradi assault - napad blow - udarac impact - udarac, efekat |
streamline - osavremeniti come across - naići na... undergo - pretrpeti transact - obaviti, izvesti re-invent - ponovo stvoriti anticipate - predvideti overwhelm - preplaviti facilitate - olakšavati personalize - personalizovati secure - obezbediti |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
key - glavni rapid - brz fake - lažan prominent - istaknut, važan lasting - krajnji, konačni |
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Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
commerce – trading reliability – loyalty, safety, security account – report, statement, bill, history enquiry – query, question, inquiry avalanche – snow–slide, snow–slip assault – attack blow – knock, stroke, punch impact – effect, influence, consequences |
streamline – rationalize, restructure, reorganize, modernize come across – to meet undergo – experience, go through, be subjected to, bear, sustain transact – carry out, handle, conduct, do, manage, perform, settle, conclude anticipate –expect, predict, forecast, prepare for, look for, foresee overwhelm – overcome, overpower facilitate – alleviate, ease personalize – customize, individualize secure – protect, make safe |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
key – fundamental, essential, leading, major, main, important, chief, necessary, basic, vital rapid – quick, fast, prompt, brisk, hasty fake – artificial, false prominent – famous, leading, chief, important, noted, outstanding lasting – permanent, eternal |
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Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
reliability - unreliability enquiry - answer, reply, ignorance assault - guard, defense, security impact - failure |
streamline - demolish, destroy, dismantle come across - miss undergo - refuse, disapprove transact - disregard, fail re-invent - invent anticipate - doubt, be amazed, be surprised overwhelm - encourage, lose, underwhelm facilitate - block, cease, hinder personalize - conceal, hide, ignore secure - endanger, disregard, ignore |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
key - additional, inessential, insignificant rapid - delayed, slow, sluggish fake - authentic, genuine, original prominent - inferior, insignificant, ordinary, unimportant lasting - ending, temporary |